Early Spring (February – April)
Lawns come out of the winter starving and need that early spring fertilizing to help strengthen the root system and get it off to an early start as the season kicks in. If you want to prevent crabgrass, the first step should be a combination fertilizer/crabgrass pre-emergent control. This step can be applied anytime from mid February to mid April.
J&J’s step 1 is a combination product 18 – 0 – 5 with Dimension pre-emergent control
* Apply dry prior to forecasted rainfall or manual watering which will activate the pre-emergent.
Late Spring (April – June)
Spring is a time when lawns are using up quite a bit of energy. It’s important that you supply your lawn with a fertilizer designed to help it through this. At the same time, broadleaf weeds, such as dandelion are actively growing as well. It is recommended that your second step also be a combination weed and feed with broadleaf weed control. Best application time is mid-April through mid-June.
J&J’s step 2 is a combination fertilizer/weed and feed product 20 – 0 – 7 with Trimec broad leaf control.
* Apply when lawn is wet, after rainfall, manual watering, or early morning dew. Optimum results are seen if left dry after application for 24 hours.
Summer (June – August)
During the hot and dry summer months lawns are put through quite a bit of stress. In addition it is a prime feeding and growth time for many soil boring insects. A third fertilization which contains an insect control will greatly help your lawn get through this and help keep it strong. If you begin to see insects in your lawn, it is recommended that a combination fertilizer/insect control be applied. Best application time is mid-June through mid-August.
J&J’s step 3 is a combination fertilizer/insect control 20 – 0 – 5 with Merit insect control.
* Apply dry prior to forecasted rainfall or manual watering. Optimum results are seen if left to dry for 24 hours once watered in.
Fall (September – November)
Fall is the best time for reseeding and also bringing your lawn back to it’s full strength. Cooler night time temperatures, greater rain fall and morning dampness are the perfect conditions for your lawn. This is a time when your lawn is prepared to grow again, and the perfect time for a fertilizer that contains a good even blend of nitrogen (first number) for green up, phosphorus (second number) for root strength and plant size, and potassium(third number) for additional root strength, disease and cold tolerance. This application should be done before the winter kicks in so it is prepared for it. This application will also help give it the jump start it needs the following year. Best application time is mid-September through mid-November.
J&J’s step 4 is 16 – 25 – 10 Winterizer.
* This application can be applied when wet or dry with equally efficient results.
Optional Mid Summer Green Up (June – August)
During those hot summer months when your lawn could use an extra kick or green –up a separate step can be applied. Generally this product is a higher nitrogen, slow release, iron containing product which can help a struggling lawn. Caution must be used as to not over feed or “burn” the turf. Additionally, a one time application is all that is usually recommended as the lawn can become dependent on this type of feeding.
* This application can be applied dry and optimal results are seen when watered in within 24 hours of application.