One of the best things to do when the snow begins to melt and the temperature starts to warm up is to start planning on enjoying your own backyard. Rhode Island outdoor living is such a nice change of pace to being cooped up all winter long that many locals have taken measures to expand their home living space to the patio, deck or even an outdoor kitchen. Gone are the days when outdoor kitchens in Pawtucket were limited to a barbecue grill, a fire pit and a smoker, today’s homeowners can truly install an outdoor kitchen kit that will give them all the comforts, options and technology of an indoor kitchen, but with all the flair and bonus features that you would expect to find in an outdoor setting.
Choose Your Style
The style of furniture, appliances and other key ingredients that you will choose to fill your new outdoor space will depend on a couple of things. One, the style of home that you have, which can greatly influence everything from the color scheme that you choose to the type of outdoor kitchen cabinets that you install. Two, the area that your home is located will also play a part. If you are in a more urban area you will likely want a different style of furniture and fixtures than you would in a more suburban setting. Three, your own unique sense of style will also come into play. Who says you can’t have a beachy, Cape Cod-style hideout in the middle of the big city or a desert-esque retreat right here in New England? There are no real rules here: you are only limited by your own creativity and, of course, your budget.
Cozy and Comfortable – Choose fresh, easy-to-clean fabrics in bright or neutral colors. Provide comfortable seating for guests with throw pillows, throw blankets and other easy-going accessories. Forget setting a formal dinner table. Instead, consider cushions on the floor around a wide coffee table or a picnic table in boldly colored hues.
Outdoor kitchen cabinets can be simple – a basic stainless steel option or in natural stone. Continue the color and theme throughout the appliances when you install an outdoor kitchen kit and remember to include all the comforts of home. Consider adding a refrigerator, freezer or ice-maker, storage space for outdoor cooking items and possibly even a dishwasher for quick and easy clean-up without having to cart dishes back into the house.
The Entertainer – If you have a lot of guests over to enjoy your Rhode Island outdoor living space, you might want to set up your new backyard kitchen with everything you will need to feed and entertain a crowd. Make sure that your new set-up includes lots of countertop space for prepping food and includes a built-in cutting board system for easy use. Add a touch of color with umbrellas, outdoor rugs, artwork, a water feature and other focal points that will give guests something to look at and talk about when they visit. Add some low voltage accent lighting that will set the mood for mid-summer night dinner parties.
A U-shaped kitchen design can make it easy to zip around, create culinary masterpieces, whip up some fancy drinks and still enjoy spending time with friends and family. Stash away a mini-fridge, ice-maker and other convenient appliances under the outdoor kitchen cabinets for convenience sake and to ensure that they don’t take up too much room. Consider adding bar-height counters around the outside of your kitchen area so guests can taste your food and hang out and watch you work your magic.
Eclectic Hangout Space – Another great approach for your new outdoor kitchen space is to create the kind of place that you would want to hang out with your friends. A coffee shop, an outdoor home theater, a friendly diner – the options are endless. Incorporate unique color combinations, different types of lighting and special extras that will enhance the theme of the space. For an outdoor movie spot, you can show old movies on a natural stone wall or hang a high-tech flat panel screen over top of your custom stone fireplace. Add in an old-fashioned popcorn maker cart and a candy display, and you’ve got everything you need to have a night out at the movies.
Outdoor kitchens in Pawtucket can take on any form that you would like, incorporating lots of different features and appliances into the custom outdoor kitchen cabinets. Install an outdoor kitchen kit that reflects you, your interests and that has all of the components that you need to make this new outdoor space your own. From unique appliances, like snow cone makers and espresso machines; to convenience appliances, such as dishwashers and ice-makers; there’s no end to the amount of customization that you can do to expand your Rhode Island outdoor living experience.
Where to Get Outdoor Kitchen Cabinets and Kits in Pawtucket
A quick trip across the border into Southeastern Massachusetts and you’ll find J&J Materials, a professional grade masonry and landscaping supply company, which features a special section of offerings that include outdoor kitchen cabinets and everything you need to install an outdoor kitchen kit. If you want to learn more about the Cabinet Component System available at J&J Materials or any of their other Outdoor Living materials, give them a call or stop by their showroom and stoneyard. J&J Materials also has a wide delivery range, including most of Southeastern Massachusetts and Rhode Island.